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2/3/2020 7:40 PM 37145367 2ndStepQualitativeHPLOpticalTransmission.pptx
2/4/2020 7:36 PM 38039169 2ndStepQualitativeHPLOpticalTransmissionV2.pptx
10/13/2020 5:08 PM 73505879 2ndStepQualitativeHPLOpticalTransmissionV3.pptx
10/14/2020 4:43 PM 73505390 2ndStepQualitativeHPLOpticalTransmissionV4.pptx
2/17/2020 11:35 AM 1053 BandGapTransmissionPurdue.htm
10/13/2020 2:26 PM 500954 Electronic structure.pptx
2/18/2020 12:36 PM 2985211 Light measurement.pptx
10/13/2020 6:16 PM 4181998 Light measurementV2.pptx
10/14/2020 4:26 PM 4181998 Light measurementV3.pptx
3/13/2020 11:20 AM <dir> Photos
2/4/2020 6:19 PM 1084 redir.html
10/13/2020 5:26 PM 1458543 Relation between transmitted light frequency and the Conduction.pptx
10/14/2020 4:26 PM 1458572 Relation between transmitted light frequency and the ConductionV2.pptx
7/6/2020 9:51 AM <dir> ResistivityTool
3/17/2020 4:51 PM <dir> Results
2/17/2020 12:03 PM 951 RPphotonics.htm
1/6/2020 9:30 PM 4944813 TranparencyHPL6Jan2020.pptx
1/7/2020 5:19 PM 4947026 TranparencyHPL6Jan2020V2.pptx
2/4/2020 6:29 PM 2204286 TranparencyHPL6Jan2020V2_Paolo.pdf
2/4/2020 6:23 PM 35973732 TranparencyHPL6Jan2020V2_Paolo.pptx
2/6/2020 5:23 PM 441696 TransmissionWaveLengthSources.pptx
1/13/2020 6:03 PM 1084 TransparencyHPL6Jan2020V3.html