- /rpc/Services/Gas/GasMixingInstitutes/Bubblers/GasFlowCalibration/Counting Bubbles/2024/
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6/26/2024 5:12 PM <dir> Bubble counting
4/15/2024 2:46 PM 2001468 Bubble rising velocity and bubble size distribution in columns at high pressure and temperature_ From lab scale experiments to design parameters.pdf
4/16/2024 8:05 AM 1840745 Effect of compressibility on the rise velocity of an air bubble in porous media - Cihan - 2008 - Water Resources Research - Wiley Online Library.pdf
4/15/2024 2:29 PM 3361496 fluids-03-00013.pdf
4/15/2024 2:04 PM 1565916 Nanobubble sizes and properties.pdf